
Bright Horizon Lighting is an energy efficiency consulting company specializing in LED upgrade analysis and installation. LED lighting technology outputs more high quality light while using less electricity than any other lighting option on the market. This upgrade is an easy, inexpensive way to reduce your monthly electric bill and carbon footprint.

At Bright Horizon Lighting, we guide your business through the entire process of upgrading your current lighting to LED options. From the initial energy analysis to the final inspection, we will work with you to ensure your lighting needs are met in a cost-effective way. The energy analysis will let you know how much money you can save by upgrading your current lighting equipment. We offer transparent pricing and exceptional payment options for your business. Ultimately, we will ensure that your project is completed in a timely and precise manner.

We are proud of the fact that we are a small, Minnesota-based business that helps our clients save money and meet their energy efficiency goals. Our team has years of industry experience in efficiency analysis and implementation of lighting upgrades in retail and commercial spaces. We are committed to providing you the best lighting product on the market while saving your business money.

Let’s Work Together